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Why a freemium plan can be a good strategy for a SaaS company ?

Opting for a freemium model can be a good strategy for a SaaS (Software as a Service) company as it ‘s a good leverage allowing them to:

Acquire new customers: By offering a basic version of the software for free, the company can attract new users who may eventually upgrade to a paid version with more features.

Generate revenue: While some users will use the free version only, others will upgrade to a paid plan, providing the company with a source of recurring revenue.

Build brand awareness: By offering a free version, the company can increase its brand awareness and reach a wider audience.

Gather valuable user data: The company can use the data gathered from free users to inform and priorize  its product development and marketing strategies.

Reduce customer acquisition costs: Offering a free version can reduce the cost of acquiring new customers as it reduces the barriers to entry and risk for potential new users.

Overall, the freemium model can be a good strategy for SaaS companies as it helps them attract and retain customers, generate revenue, and gather valuable data

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